Caged Aggression XVI "The Aftermath"

                            Saturday, December 5th 2015

      Caged Aggression "Sturgis"

Tuesday, April 4th & Wednesday, April 5th  2015

Caged Aggression XVII "Rise of Champions"

                       Friday, April 1st & Saturday, April 2nd 2016

Caged Aggression XV "Dedication"

Friday, March 27th & Saturday, March 28th 2015

Caged Aggression XV "Dedication"

Friday, March 27th & Saturday, March 28th 2015

Special thanks to Stephen Burroughs with Say Uncle Photography, the official photographer for Caged Aggression events.  Photos availble for purchase at:

         Caged Aggression III "The Main Event"

                                                Saturday, October 15th 2011

     Caged Aggression IV "The Big Show"

                                  Saturday, December 10th 2011

                 Caged Aggression II

                                        Saturday, July 9th 2011

       Caged Aggression  "The Beginning"

                                            Saturday, April 30th 2011

     Caged Aggression VI "The Return"

                                  Saturday, April 14th 2012

 Caged Aggression V "A Night of Champions"

                                    Saturday, March 10th 2012

 Caged Aggression VII "Unfinished Business"

                                      Saturday, September 22nd 2012

Caged Aggression IX "Return of the Champions"

                        Friday, March 8th & Saturday, March 9th 2013

Caged Aggression X "Redemption"

                        Saturday, July 20th 2013

  Caged Aggression VIII "Heavy Hitters"

                              Saturday, October 20th 2012

Caged Aggression XI "The Uprising"

                    Saturday, October 12th 2014

    Caged Aggression XII "Victory"

Friday, March 14th & Saturday, March 15th 2014

Photo library for Caged Aggression Events including live weigh ins & highlights from each fight.  For more photos including training footage, tale of the tape graphics, behind the scenes, and more visit us on Facebook.

Caged Aggression XVII "Rise of Champions"

                       Friday, April 1st & Saturday, April 2nd 2016